One might think that a great recruiter must be a greater hunter — and they'd be right. Tom is 180one's hunter both figuratively and literally. He relishes the task of spotting the prospective target and then approaching them in a manner not to spook them, but to engage them in a discussion to determine if they might be the one our client is searching for. He brings over 20 years of recruiting experience to his clients and has had success in partnering with companies in the high-tech, manufacturing, and distribution industries.
While Tom is the firm's "hunter", he naturally embraces that title outside of the office, as he's an avid outdoorsman either casting a fly rod in one of his many secret fishing holes or working his lab, Lolo, up a rugged canyon or out in the marsh for some bird hunting. Each week, the 180one team hears from Tom about his weekend adventures with his wife of over 22 years and two kids where they might have hit the ski slopes, hiked a favorite trail in their hometown of Bend, or floated on a SUP for happy hour.