By Jenny Dillman
December 5, 2023
180one is thrilled to announce the recent collaboration with Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC), culminating in the successful placement of a new Chief Executive Officer. Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative (OBRC) is the industry steward of Oregon’s nationally recognized beverage container redemption program. We help keep Oregon beautiful by providing outstanding services to our partner distributors, retailers, and to the public for the recovery, reuse, and recycling of beverage containers. OBRC serves as a not-for-profit statewide operator with full vertical integration, making the co-op a major employer and providing more than 500 clean economy jobs in Oregon. Through our statewide fleet operations, OBRC collects more than 2 billion containers annually for recycling across a network of 2,000+ retail stores, 27 redemption centers, 90+ bag drop locations, and transports them for counting, sorting, and processing across 6 statewide processing centers preparing these containers for Grade-A domestic recycling. At a dime per container, the value of refunds adds up fast. This requires speed and accurate reimbursements for retailers and payments directly to consumers and nonprofits. OBRC manages the flow of deposits and container refunds, paying out over $200 million annually to Oregon consumers. No similar system in America has consumers and the beverage industry working so closely together to achieve outstanding results, and Oregon’s Bottle Bill is popular with consumers. OBRC is proud to serve as the industry steward of Oregon’s Bottle Bill ensuring Oregon’s beverage container redemption program continues to produce positive results for Oregonians and inspiring positive change beyond our borders as a model program across the globe. Congratulations to OBRC, and the 180one Search Team on a successful executive placement!